Version 1.5 - Available on Desktop

Use ChatGPT Without Leaking Your Data

Designed to safeguard your conversations. With a strong commitment to your data security, the app ensures that your chats remain private.

Additional feature showcase

Same Experience

Use ChatGPT with all its powerful features intact. Our privacy layer doesn't affect the functionality or quality of responses you receive.

100% Free

Protect your privacy at no cost. Our Chrome extension is completely free to use, making secure ChatGPT access available to everyone.

Data Protection

Your data never leaves your computer. The extension processes everything locally, ensuring your conversations stay on your browser.

Simple Set-up

Privacy matters! That's why we've made it simple to use the extension and keep your data secure.

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1. Add Manually or Upload CSV

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2. Manual or Auto Mode


3. Deanonymize the Response

Stay Private Now

Install on Desktop

Love AI but hate risking your data? Grab our Chrome extension to anonymize everything and stay private while using it!

Additional feature showcase

John Doe

Acme Inc.


[Company 1]

[Location 1]

[Custom 1]

[Contract 1]